Preconference workshop
GuidosToolbox workshop: image pattern, connectivity, and fragmentation
Due to the extreme popularity registration for the pre-conference GUIDOS-course on Sunday, 23 August is closed.
Dr. Peter Vogt agreed to give the same GUIDOS course on Saturday 22 August.
Registration for the course on Saturday is open for 10 more students. This registration will close soon.
Objectives: analysis of landscape pattern, connectivity, fragmentation; use of gdal-libraries for pre-/post-processing; producing GoogleEarth image overlays.
Course Summary: The GuidosToolbox software includes a wide variety of generic image processing tools for the analysis of raster images. Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis (MSPA) classifies the shape and connectivity of image objects, which can be transformed into a network setup for further examination with graph-theory software. Further routines assess fragmentation, change, and Landscape Mosaic. This course will use sample data of forest maps to illustrate the use and added value of these routines. Additional tools address generic image analysis and batch processing, which can be employed for a wide variety of pre- and post-processing tasks, as well as data publishing in GoogleEarth.
Course outline:
Part 1: Motivation for new ways of image object analysis: pattern, connectivity, fragmentation. GuidosToolbox: program features and application examples
Part 2: Hands-on training using sample datasets:
a) Data preparation for image pattern analysis
b) MSPA, connectivity, fragmentation, change & distance analysis
c) Import/export to ArcGIS/QGIS, export to GoogleEarth overlays
d) Help with user data, discussion and suggestions
Required tools and material:
The GuidosToolbox software and the workshop material are freely available. A customized version of the workshop material will be provided to the course participants two weeks before the course. Installing the software requires a laptop with 4GB RAM and 10 GB free disk space. If necessary, installation help will be provided. Course participants should bring their own laptop with GuidosToolbox and the workshop material already installed. Having such a laptop is highly recommended but not mandatory to participate in this course.
Instructor: Peter Vogt, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Forest Resources and Climate Unit
Venue: Computer class of Estonian University of Life Sciences,
Address: Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu, Estonia.
Date and Time: Sunday,August 23 2015 from 09:00 to 17:00
Cost: free of charge
Registration: IUFRO Landscape Ecology conference webpage
Due to the extreme popularity registration for the pre-conference GUIDOS-course on Sunday, 23 August is closed.
Dr. Peter Vogt agreed to give the same GUIDOS course on Saturday 22 August.
Registration for the course on Saturday is open for 10 more students. This registration will close soon.